Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullohi Wabarokatu,
Bersama ini diberitahukan bahwa dalam bulan suci Ramadhan 1428H/2007, kegiatan pengajian akan diisi dengan acara Safari Ramadhan bersama Ustadz Dr. Amir Faisol Fath, seorang ahli tafsir dan hafiz Al-Qur’an dari Jakarta, Indonesia.
Tema Safari Ramadhan 1428H/2007: “Menggali, memahami dan menerapkan A-Qur’an dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.”
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mengharapkan kehadiran Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/Saudari beserta keluarga yang mulia pada kesempatan yang berharga ini dengan jadwal sebagai berikut:
Minggu, 30 September 2007
Bertempat di : Kediaman Resmi Kepala Perwakilan RI
Wisma Indonesia, 614 Pine Lane, Winnetka, IL 60093 (Click untuk peta lokasi)
Telp. (847) 446-0268
16:00 – 18:00 Ceramah dan Tanya-Jawab
18:38 Buka Puasa dilanjutkan Sholat Magrib bersama
19:34 – selesai Sholat Isya dilanjutkan Sholat Teraweh bersama
Selasa, 2 Oktober 2007
Bertempat di : Kediaman Keluarga Bapak Iskandar Danoesoebroto
400 Summer Dr., Schererville, IN 46375 (Click untuk peta lokasi)
Telp. (219) 864-1715
Waktu / Acara:
05:31 – 06:30 Sholat Subuh bersama dilanjutkan Kuliah Subuh
18:34 Buka Puasa dilanjutkan Sholat Magrib bersama
19:31 – selesai Sholat Isya – Ceramah – Sholat Teraweh bersama
Demikian, atas perhatian dan kehadiran Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/Saudari kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatu.
Hormat kami,
Panitia Safari Ramadhan 1428H/2007
Click to join PengajianChicagoLabels: Pengajian Chicago, Ramadhan USA
The next US Green Card Lottery will start very soon!
- Start date: Noon EDT on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007
- End date: Noon EST on Sunday, December 2nd, 2007
Prepare your picture for your application.
The picture / image requirement from previous year Lottery is as follows:
- The image must be in the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) File Interchange Format (JFIF) format.
- Image created by a digital camera, must have a resolution of 320 pixels high by 240 pixels wide, or a resolution of 320 pixels wide by 240 pixels high, with either 24-bits of color, 8-bits of color or 8-bits of gray.
- Monochrome images (2-bits color depth) will NOT be accepted
- If the image is created by scanning a photographic print the original print must have been 2 inches by 2 inches (50mm x 50mm), and the scan must be performed at a resolution of 150 dots per inch (dpi); the image must have a resolution of 300 by 300 pixels, with either 24-bits of color, 8-bits of color or 8-bits of gray.
- The image can not exceed 62,500 bytes (62.5KB) in size.
Join the US Green Card e-group for update on the Lottery Program here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/greencardlottery/ or click here:
Click to join GreenCardLottery E-Group
Please introduce yourself when joining the e-group
Annonymous applicant will not be approved.
No junk mail allowed in this e-groupLabels: DV Lottery, US Green Card Lottery, US Immigration Info
Join us in reminiscing the Indonesian's favorite gathering place:
"2nd PASAR SENGGOL" (Bumping Market) where you can taste many authentic Indonesian food & enjoy the entertainments presented by Indonesian Catholic Association (PWKI) especially for you!
There will be:
- Layar Tancep (Indonesian style movie)
- Empat mata (Jokes ala Indonesia + Traditional Dance)
- Art & Crafts Kiosk
- Music
- Raffles (win $75 in CASH for the first prize raffle)
- Dangdut dancing time (We'll teach you how to dance these traditional dances)
- And other exciting shows.
- Mie Ayam Komplit (Jakarta's Chicken, Meatball & Wonton Noodle)
- Nasi Padang (ayam panggang + gulai sayur + belado telur + perkedel + sambal hijau ) - Padang-style Rice
- Sate Ayam (Chicken Satay)
- Risoles (Crepes with Chicken Filling)
- Kroket (potatoes with meat filling)
- Martabak Asin (Indonesian Traditional Omelet)
- Sus Ragu (Chicken Puff)
- Klepon (Sweet Rice Balls with Palm Sugar)
- Wingko Babat (Sweet Coconut Cake)
- Talam (2-layer Sweet Potato Cake)
- Nagasari ( Rice w/ Tapioca Flour & Banana )
- Pukis (Indonesian Pancake with Raisin )
- Getuk Lindri (cassava/yuca with coconut sprinkle)
- Es Kopyor (Coconut Ice)
- Kolak Biji Salak (sweet potatoes with brown sugar and coconut milk)
- ADVANCE PURCHASED TICKETS (by Sept 12, 2007): $5.00/person Adult.
- Children under 12 years old are FREE
- Bring your PREPAID ADMISSION ticket to this event to get 1 (one) FREE Main Dish that is equal to $5 in food coupon value!!!
- Additional food and beverages can be purchased by using food coupons.
- TICKETS AT THE DOOR (Sept. 15, 2007): $2/adult (above 12 years old) for ENTRANCE ONLY. Food and beverages can be purchased by using food coupons.
- FOOD COUPONS are available at the door and the coupon prices are staggered as low as $2, $5, $10, or even $20 based on your need.
- For further information, please visit http://www.pwki.org./
Get your tickets today by contacting ONE of our TICKETMASTERS:
We hope to see you soon!
Thank you!
Labels: Indonesian Arts, Indonesian Food, Indonesian Music
The next US Green Card Lottery will start very soon!
- Start date: Noon EDT on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007
- End date: Noon EST on Sunday, December 2nd, 2007
Prepare your picture for your application.
The picture / image requirement from previous year Lottery is as follows:
- The image must be in the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) File Interchange Format (JFIF) format.
- Image created by a digital camera, must have a resolution of 320 pixels high by 240 pixels wide, or a resolution of 320 pixels wide by 240 pixels high, with either 24-bits of color, 8-bits of color or 8-bits of gray.
- Monochrome images (2-bits color depth) will NOT be accepted
- If the image is created by scanning a photographic print the original print must have been 2 inches by 2 inches (50mm x 50mm), and the scan must be performed at a resolution of 150 dots per inch (dpi); the image must have a resolution of 300 by 300 pixels, with either 24-bits of color, 8-bits of color or 8-bits of gray.
- The image can not exceed 62,500 bytes (62.5KB) in size.
Join the US Green Card e-group for update on the Lottery Program here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/greencardlottery/ or click here:
Click to join GreenCardLottery E-Group
Please introduce yourself when joining the e-group
Annonymous applicant will not be approved.
No junk mail allowed in this e-groupLabels: DV Lottery, US Green Card Lottery, US Immigration Info
Join us in reminiscing the Indonesian's favorite gathering place:
"2nd PASAR SENGGOL" (Bumping Market) where you can taste many authentic Indonesian food & enjoy the entertainments presented by Indonesian Catholic Association (PWKI) especially for you!
There will be:
- Layar Tancep (Indonesian style movie)
- Empat mata (Jokes ala Indonesia + Traditional Dance)
- Art & Crafts Kiosk
- Music
- Raffles (win $75 in CASH for the first prize raffle)
- Dangdut dancing time (We'll teach you how to dance these traditional dances)
- And other exciting shows.
- Mie Ayam Komplit (Jakarta's Chicken, Meatball & Wonton Noodle)
- Nasi Padang (ayam panggang + gulai sayur + belado telur + perkedel + sambal hijau ) - Padang-style Rice
- Sate Ayam (Chicken Satay)
- Risoles (Crepes with Chicken Filling)
- Kroket (potatoes with meat filling)
- Martabak Asin (Indonesian Traditional Omelet)
- Sus Ragu (Chicken Puff)
- Klepon (Sweet Rice Balls with Palm Sugar)
- Wingko Babat (Sweet Coconut Cake)
- Talam (2-layer Sweet Potato Cake)
- Nagasari ( Rice w/ Tapioca Flour & Banana )
- Pukis (Indonesian Pancake with Raisin )
- Getuk Lindri (cassava/yuca with coconut sprinkle)
- Es Kopyor (Coconut Ice)
- Kolak Biji Salak (sweet potatoes with brown sugar and coconut milk)
- ADVANCE PURCHASED TICKETS (by Sept 12, 2007): $5.00/person Adult.
- Children under 12 years old are FREE
- Bring your PREPAID ADMISSION ticket to this event to get 1 (one) FREE Main Dish that is equal to $5 in food coupon value!!!
- Additional food and beverages can be purchased by using food coupons.
- TICKETS AT THE DOOR (Sept. 15, 2007): $2/adult (above 12 years old) for ENTRANCE ONLY. Food and beverages can be purchased by using food coupons.
- FOOD COUPONS are available at the door and the coupon prices are staggered as low as $2, $5, $10, or even $20 based on your need.
- For further information, please visit http://www.pwki.org./
Get your tickets today by contacting ONE of our TICKETMASTERS:
We hope to see you soon!
Thank you!
Labels: Indonesia Art, Indonesian Food, Indonesian Music
Assalammualaikum. ..Alhamdulillah. ..
Sekarang sudah ada kepastian mengenai tempat untuk acara tanggal 5 September (Rabu).
Agenda Acara : Ramah Tamah (makan malam) bersama Bapak Dubes. Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 5 September 2007
Waktu : Pukul 7 malam (dinner time) waktu San Diego
Alamat: 8998 Miramar Rd, San Diego 92126
Silahkan datang bersama keluarga, karena kapasitas banyak (biaya ditanggung KJRI-LA) dan acaranya memang non-formal. Jadi..... ayo donk! ga seru kalo ga banyak yang dateng.
Buat mbak2 ama mas2 yang tahu ada keluarga Indonesia lainnya yang tidak tergabung di mailing list ini (ex: non muslim), silahkan aja diajak. Bapak Dubes berpesan supaya keluarga Indonesia di San Diego hadir (kalo bisa..) besok malam.
Oke deh.... saya tunggu besok malam di tempat yang sudah ditentukan yah?Wassalammualaikum. ..
Labels: indonesian community