The Tempeh making class will teach you how to make tempeh.
SUNDAY May 5th 2013.
Bandung Indonesian Restaurant
600 Williamson St #M, Madison, WI.
Space is limited...make your reservation by calling 608.255.6910 or email us at bandungrestaurant@gmail.comLabels: Indonesian Food Class, Indonesian Food Madison, Indonesian Tempeh Madison, Indonesian Tempeh USA, Tempeh Cooking, Tempeh Making Class, Tempeh Menu
PERMIAS Madison Indonesian Night 2013.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
6:00pm until 8:30pm
B10 Ingraham Hall - University of Wisconsin–Madison
PERMIAS Madison (Indonesian Student Association) proudly presents:
Indonesian Night 2013: "PERDJOEANGAN PEMOEDA
A Journey Through Indonesia's Youth Revolution"
The annual Indonesian Night is coming back! Prepare to witness and experience the vibrant Indonesian diverse culture through spectacular traditional dances and music performance. This year, we will also bring you to the journey of Indonesian youth in struggling for Independence. Delicate Indonesian cuisine will be served during the shows!
This event is FREE OF ADMISSION!!! So, come and join us on the celebration of our cultural heritage and get ready for the most amazing night of your life!Labels: Indonesian community Madison, Indonesian Night Madison, Indonesian Students Madison, Masyarakat Indonesia Midwest, PERMIAS Madison
Indonesian Summer Fun
Spend the day with delicious Indonesian Food & Fun Games
Saturday, June 22, 2013
11am - 4pm
Lake Opeka Park
2200 Lee Street, Des Plaines, IL 60018
- $15 Pre Event Registration RSVP by June 15th!
- $20 At the Event
- $5 Children under 10 yrs
- Free Children under 5 yrs
Ticket includes
- Chicken Satay / Sate Ayam
- Jakarta Lontong Vegetable / Lontong Sayur Jakarta
- Bogor Pickled Fruits n Vegetable / Asinan Bogor
- Hot Dog, chips
- Raffle ticket
Hosted by Paguyuban Warga Katholik Indonesia - PWKI Chicagoland
Contact person for ticket:
Labels: Acara PWKI, indonesian community, Indonesian Community Chicago Suburb, Indonesian Food Chicago, Indonesian Summer Fun Chicago, PWKI Paguyuban Warga Katholik Indonesia - Chicago
Salam Diaspora:
Indonesian Diaspora Network – Midwest, USA Adhoc Event Committee: Pemutaran Film Dokumenter selaku saluran aspirasi memfasilitasi Pemutaran Film Dokumenter bekerjasama dengan Permias-Chicago, International House-University of Chicago Global Voices Program, dan Elemental Productions.
Acara: Pemutaran Film: “40 YEARS OF SILENCE”
Tanggal: 04 Mei 2013
Waktu: Pk 2:30 sore.
Tempat: International House at the University of Chicago
Alamat: 1515 E. 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637
FREE, RSVP sebelum 01 Mei 2013
Melalui FaceBook Event:
Untuk masyarakat Indonesia, diharap rsvp ke: Lea Hartono
Untuk Permias Chicago, diharap rsvp ke: Jane Wiraga
Film "40 YEARS OF SILENCE" ini telah banyak mendapatkan penghargaan di Amerika dan juga di tingkat internasional; bahkan telah diputar di berbagai tempat. Film tersebut memberikan konteks pada dampak perspektif klinikal traumatik psikologis dan sosial akibat pergolakan politik tahun 1965-1966 peristiwa G-30-S sehingga refleksi sejarah tidak terulang kembali.
Produser film / Indonesianis Anthropologist Prof. Robert Lemelson (University of California at Los Angeles) dan Prof. Jeffrey Winters (Northwestern University) juga meluangkan waktu untuk hadir dalam temu muka panel diskusi setelah pemutaran film.
Pemutaran film " 40 years of silence " ini dapat memperlihatkan kepada audience bahwa Indonesia sudah berada pada tahapan yang lebih maju dari masa-masa sebelumnya dalam kebebasan berkreasi dan berpendapat, hal ini dapat meningkatkan citra positif Indonesia di mata internasional.
Terimakasih untuk kebaikannya, Martino Tangkar
Adhoc Event Committe Pemutaran Film Dokumenter: Erna Dinata, Jane Wiraga, Evan Tjondrokoesoemo, Lea M. Hartono.
I am sure everyone is familiar with George Santayana’s quote, “Those who don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it." This phrase has particular salience for this film. This film concerns the long-term effects of the mass killings in Indonesia in 1965 and 1966, where approximately 500,000 to 1,000,000 people were killed in a matter of months. This violence was hidden from the world’s view for 35 years under General Suharto's regime. In the years following the communist purge, there was an enforced silence about what had happened, hence the film's title "40 Years of Silence." It is only now, after the fall of the New Order regime in 1998 and the death of President Suharto last year, that Indonesians are starting to open up and come to terms with this horrific and tragic history.
The film is an intimate portrait of four families from very different parts of the Indonesian archipelago, all of whom were deeply affected by this event. Although they are from different parts of the Indonesian social world, all four characters witnessed their family members being imprisoned, tortured, or killed.
The film begins by telling these families' stories pre-1965 via their personal reflections and memories of their childhood. The characters then describe their families' experiences from 1965 and 1966, and discuss life during the New Order.
The film closes with the characters realization that the search for justice and a measure of peace must begin with themselves, their families and their local communities. The prospect for a national reconciliation process is far off, even in an increasingly open, democratic and free Indonesia.
The film tells a very poignant and moving story. It is our hope that more people in the world become aware of this tragic history. It is also our hope that Indonesians become more aware of this history, from the perspective of the victims. Understanding and telling this history is long overdue in modern Indonesia. It is also a vital process to ensure that this history is never repeated.
By: Director Robert Lemelson
Informasi untuk filmnya bisa dilihat dari link-link berikut di bawah ini:
Labels: 40 YEARS OF SILENCE, Film Dokumenter, Indonesian Community Chicago, Indonesian Community Midwest Region, Indonesian documentary film, Indonesian Film
The School of Music and Center for Southeast Asian Studies present
A Concert of Javanese Music and Dance! Come to witness the unique culture of Indonesia.
Saturday, 20 April 2013 @ 8PM
Mills Concert Hall
Humanities Building, Corner of Park St and University Ave
Madison, WI
Labels: Indonesian community Madison, Indonesian Community Midwest Region, Indonesian Dance, Indonesian Madison, Indonesian Music Concert, Masyarakat Indonesia Midwest
Saturday 20 April 2013 @ 4-6PM
Anderson Gym 100, Northern Illinois University
520 College View Court, DeKalb, Illinois
The Southeast Asia Club invites you to experience Southeast Asian crafts, music, martial arts, language and cuisine from 4 to 6 p.m. tomorrow, April 20, at its first Southeast Asia Culture Festival.
Come to Anderson Hall gymnasium on the east side of campus and share the love of wayang kulit, loy krathong, and more with your fellow SEA aficionados. Fun, family friendly and FREE!
Labels: Indonesian Community Chicago, Indonesian Community Midwest Region, Indonesian Cultural Night, Masyarakat Indonesia Midwest, Southeast Asia Culture Festival
It's spring time in the Bay Area! That means it's time to go outside and enjoy the warm sunshine and cool spring breeze! LCBC in collaboration with Permias SFBA would like to invite you to
"Spring Food Festival"!!!
Saturday, April 20, 2013 @ 11:00am until 5:00pm in PDT
13067 Aurora Drive, San Leandro, CA 94577
We will have:
- Various Indonesian Food (mie ayam, otak", nasi padang, pempek palembang, etc)
- Games
- Jumper for kids
- Water baloon fight (YAAY!)
- Photo booth
Profits from this event will be donated to Permias Foundation Scholarship to support education for underprivileged kids in Indonesia and LCBC building fund.
Sooo... are you guys ready to joining in the fun and being part of a good social cause? Click "attend" now if you do and I hope to see you all there!Labels: Indonesian Christian San Francisco, Indonesian Community California, indonesian community San Francisco, Indonesian Food USA, Masyarakat Indonesia San Francisco, Masyarakat Indonesia USA
Saturday, April 27, 2013 1:00pm EDT
George Sherman Union
775 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215
with the city of Boston, we prevail to move on and move forward. Thus
the "Indonesian Cultural Night" event on the 27th of April is still on,
and we invite you to be there and strengthen our bond as a community in
There is going to be the very first Permias drama of a
popular Indonesian folktale, performances by talented students here in
area, and Indonesian food.
Entrance fee is $10/person, good for entry to the event and access to the authentic Indonesian food provided.
This Cultural Night was planned to be a celebration and introduction of
Indonesian culture right here in Boston. In light of the recent event,
we would also like for it to be an event for not only Indonesians, but
for the people of Boston in general. Boston is a city known for its
international character, and we wish to uphold this value for this city
we all love.
So invite your friends, families, boyfriend, girlfriend, professors, roommates, classmates, etc. Bawa satu kampung!
We hope to see you there!
Labels: Indonesian Boston, Indonesian community Boston, Indonesian Cultural Night, Indonesian East Coast, Indonesian Night Boston, Indonesian Student Boston, Masyarakat Indonesia Boston
Do you have books or magazine to donate for Indonesia ?
If you do, please bring your books donation to the
Indonesian Food Festival event this Saturday, 06 April 2013 in University of Chicago.
We will have books drop off box to collect your books donation.
BOOKS FOR INDONESIA ( will distribute your books to libraries and schools in Indonesia.
Any questions, please e-mail us or call
* Adi: 224 456 2759
* Ira: 847 312 0132
* Romy: 773 807 9200
Thank you !
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Teman-teman setanah air,
Berkerja sama dengan Permias Chicago, kami dari Books For Indonesia, mengajak teman-teman yang ingin menghadiri acara Festival Rasa bisa menyumbangkan buku2 atau majalah bekas yang sudah tidak dipakai lagi untuk didonasikan ke kami. Kotak sumbangan buku akan kami siapkan di tempat tersebut.
Buku buku tersebut akan kami salurkan ke perpustakaan, taman bacaan, universitas dan sekolah di Indonesia. Total jumlah buku yang sudah kami distribusikan, berjumlah lebih kurang 1,400 buku. Para penerima buku sumbangan dari kami bisa dilihat di facebook kami, Kami persilahkan teman-teman untuk menyebarkan email ini ke Teman2 Indonesia lainnya.
Jika ada pertanyaan atau saran, silahkan hubungi kami di atau
Adi: 224 456 2759, Ira: 847 312 0132, Romy: 773 807 9200.
Terima kasih atas perhatian dan partisipasi dari Teman2 sekalian.
Tidak lupa kami ucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Permias Chicago yang telah memberikan ijin kepada kami untuk berpartisipasi di acara Festival Rasa.
Salam Persaudaraan,
Books For Indonesia.
(Adi, Ira dan Romy)
Labels: Books Donation for Indonesia, Books for Indonesia, Indonesian Event Chicago, Indonesian Food Festival Chicago. Indonesian Community
Permias Columbus proudly presents Indonesian Night 2013!
Friday, April 26, 2013 From 7:00pm until 10:00pm EDT
Ohio Union at The Ohio State University - Great Hall Meeting Room
Are you interested in knowing more about Indonesia? Have you ever wondered how is their history and what is going on inside the country?
YOU are warmly invited to our cultural night!
Witness a glimpse of Indonesia's diverse and vibrant culture. The Indonesian Cultural Night will take you into a journey of the equatorial emerald. The event will be showcasing Indonesia's traditional games, traditional cuisine, presentation of the variety of traditional clothing.
There will be booths set up based on our 5 major islands.
Java Booth: Indonesian Traditional Cuisines
Sumatran Booth: Traditional Games I
Kalimantan Booth: Traditional Games II
Bali Booth: Photo Booth with Country's Folk Costume
Sulawesi Booth: Culture Presentation
Admission is FREE, for those who want to savor our traditional cuisine, you can purchase the food tickets: $1 for appetizer, $3 for entrée, and $1 for dessert/beverage or total meal package for $5.
Do not hesitate, mark your diary, bring your family and friends, and join us in this memorable fun-filled night.
Permias Columbus
Labels: Acara Indonesia Columbus, Indonesian Community Columbus, Indonesian Dance, Indonesian Event Columbus, Indonesian Food, Indonesian student Columbus, Masyarakat Indonesia Columbus, OH
13 APRIL 2013 - 12:00 - 15:30
@ KBRI Washington DC
Mengapa beberapa orang sukses membangun restauran Indonesia?
Apa saja kiat dan langkah praktisnya?
Apa saja yang bisa dilakukan untuk dapat membangun usaha restauran ini?
Labels: Indonesian Business USA, Indonesian Embassy Washintgon DC, Indonesian Restaurant, Indonesian Washington DC, KBRI Washington DC
The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Washington DC presents Indonesian Batik Workshop for Art Teachers.
This workshop will equip Art Teachers and Educators with the knowledge,
philosophy and techniques of Indonesian Batik as one of art learning
- When:
April 1-2, 2013
10.00 am—03.00 pm
- Venue :
The Embassy of Indonesia
2020 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington DC 20036
- Registration:
- Each participant will receive a Certificate of Completion of the Workshop.
- Dress-code: casual/comfortable clothing, shoes (no sandals).
Program will include:
- Introduction to history of batik from various regions in Indonesia.
- Introduction to Batik “Peace, Love, and Hope” Project.
- Introduction to the tools and equipment for hand and cap batik.
- Basic hand batik practice/traditional batik exercise.
- Exercise ”Peace, Love, and Hope” designs.
- Napthol dye demonstration
Indonesian Batik
The word batik comes from Javanese and Malay words amba
(‘to write’) and titik (‘dot’ or ‘point’). The term batik has two
meanings: first, the painting and coloring of textiles using the
traditional practice of dying cloth through the wax resist method; and
second, cloth that has been dyed using the batik method. This art of
designing textiles is wide spread in the Hindu and Malay world, and has
become an integral part of Indonesia’s cultural identity.
Batik is worn by everyone throughout Indonesia: at home, at
school, and in offices, as well as for weddings and other formal
events. In October 2009, UNESCO included Indonesian batik in its list of
“Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity”. The President of Indonesia,
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, has since called for the internationalization
of batik.
Washington DC, 1 – 2 April 2013
Workshop Day 1
Monday, 1 April 2013
09.30am-09.50am |
Registration |
10:00am -12.00 |
• Opening |
• Video Remarks by Amb. Dino Patti Djalal |
• Video of Indonesian Batik and Batik Making Process |
• Introduction to history of batik from various regions in Indonesia |
12.00 -01.00 pm |
• Lunch (provided) |
• American Batik Video |
01:00 -03.00 pm |
• Basic hand batik practice/Traditional batik exercise |
• Introduction to the tools and equipment for cap batik |
• Napthol dye demonstration |
Workshop Day 2
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
10:00am -12.00 |
• Introduction to "Batik Making” and “Peace, Love, and Hope" project. |
• Creating batik designs: "Peace, Love, and Hope". |
12.00 -01.00 pm |
Lunch (provided) |
01:00 -03.00 pm |
• Batik Making and Completing Batik Pieces |
• Evaluation |
• Photo Session |
• Closing |
Labels: indonesian Art, Indonesian Batik, Indonesian Embassy Washintgon DC, KBRI Washington DC
Indiana University Bloomington Indonesian Student Association (PERMIAS) invites you to Indonesian Cultural Night:
"SILUET: A Musical."
This annual event is dedicated to introduce the culture of Indonesia to the IU and Bloomington communities.
Join us for a night filled with fun while at the same time,
experiencing and exploring our culture! An assortment of Indonesian food
will also be served.
Date: Saturday, 6 April 2013
Time: Doors open 2:00PM. Show starts 2:30PM
Venue: Willkie Auditorium, Indiana University Bloomington,
Address: 150 N. Rose Ave., Bloomington, IN 47405
This is a free event and free Indonesian food will be provided.
Please come and bring your family and friends along!
Contact Person:
Adriansyah 812-360-5226
Feby 206-724-9883Labels: Indiana, Indonesian Community Indiana, Indonesian Community Midwest Region, Indonesian Cultural Night, Indonesian Student Bloomington, Permias Bloomington