Indonesian Community in USA: 04 MAY Film Dokumenter: "40 YEARS OF SILENCE"

Friday, April 26, 2013

04 MAY Film Dokumenter: "40 YEARS OF SILENCE"

Salam Diaspora:

Indonesian Diaspora Network – Midwest, USA Adhoc Event Committee: Pemutaran Film Dokumenter selaku saluran aspirasi memfasilitasi Pemutaran Film Dokumenter bekerjasama dengan Permias-Chicago, International House-University of Chicago Global Voices Program, dan Elemental Productions. 

Acara: Pemutaran Film: “40 YEARS OF SILENCE”
Tanggal: 04 Mei 2013
Waktu: Pk 2:30 sore.
Tempat: International House at the University of Chicago
Alamat: 1515 E. 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637

FREE, RSVP sebelum 01 Mei 2013 
Melalui FaceBook Event:
Untuk masyarakat Indonesia, diharap rsvp ke: Lea Hartono

Untuk Permias Chicago, diharap rsvp ke: Jane Wiraga

Film "40 YEARS OF SILENCE" ini telah banyak mendapatkan penghargaan di Amerika dan juga di tingkat internasional; bahkan telah diputar di berbagai tempat. Film tersebut memberikan konteks pada dampak perspektif klinikal traumatik psikologis dan sosial akibat pergolakan politik tahun 1965-1966 peristiwa G-30-S sehingga refleksi sejarah tidak terulang kembali. 

Produser film / Indonesianis Anthropologist Prof. Robert Lemelson (University of California at Los Angeles) dan Prof. Jeffrey Winters (Northwestern University) juga meluangkan waktu untuk hadir dalam temu muka panel diskusi setelah pemutaran film. 

Pemutaran film " 40 years of silence " ini dapat memperlihatkan kepada audience bahwa Indonesia sudah berada pada tahapan yang lebih maju dari masa-masa sebelumnya dalam kebebasan berkreasi dan berpendapat, hal ini dapat meningkatkan citra  positif Indonesia di mata internasional.

Terimakasih untuk kebaikannya, Martino Tangkar
Adhoc Event Committe Pemutaran Film Dokumenter: Erna Dinata, Jane Wiraga, Evan Tjondrokoesoemo, Lea M. Hartono.

I am sure everyone is familiar with George Santayana’s quote, “Those who don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it." This phrase has particular salience for this film. This film concerns the long-term effects of the mass killings in Indonesia in 1965 and 1966, where approximately 500,000 to 1,000,000 people were killed in a matter of months. This violence was hidden from the world’s view for 35 years under General  Suharto's regime. In the years following the communist purge, there was an enforced silence about what had happened, hence the film's title "40 Years of Silence." It is only now, after the fall of the New Order regime in 1998 and the death of President Suharto last year, that Indonesians are starting to open up and come to terms with this horrific and tragic history.

The film is an intimate portrait of four families from very different parts of the Indonesian archipelago, all of whom were deeply affected by this event. Although they are from different parts of the Indonesian social world, all four characters witnessed their family members being imprisoned, tortured, or killed.
The film begins by telling these families' stories pre-1965 via their personal reflections and memories of their childhood. The characters then describe their families' experiences from 1965 and 1966, and discuss life during the New Order.
The film closes with the characters realization that the search for justice and a measure of peace must begin with themselves, their families and their local communities. The prospect for a national reconciliation process is far off, even in an increasingly open, democratic and free Indonesia.

The film tells a very poignant and moving story. It is our hope that more people in the world become aware of this tragic history. It is also our hope that Indonesians become more aware of this history, from the perspective of the victims. Understanding and telling this history is long overdue in modern Indonesia. It is also a vital process to ensure that this history is never repeated.

By: Director Robert Lemelson

Informasi untuk filmnya bisa dilihat dari link-link berikut di bawah ini:

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