Kepada Yth.
Bapak/Ibu dan keluarga
Masyarakat Indonesia
di Chicago dan Midwest-AS
Terlampir undangan Temu Masyarakat Akhir Tahun 2011 di Wisma Konjen di Winnetka dengan harapan dapat dihadiri bersama-sama
Tanggal 31 Desember 2011 mulai jam 08.00 PM and onwards
@ Wisma KJRI Chicago, 614 Pine Lane, Winnetka, IL
* New Year's Eve Dinner
* KJRI Chicago Band
* PERMIAS Chicago Band
* Prized Game
* Countdowns to 2012
* Midnight Delights
and many more ...
Sampai bertemu!
Labels: Acara KJRI Chicago, Indonesian Consulate Chicago, Indonesian New Year's Eve, kjri Chicago, Masyarakat Indonesia Chicago
The Indonesian Christian Community
in cooperation with the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Chicago,
cordially invite brothers and sisters to a
Christmas Celebration
4PM - 8:30PM on Saturday, December 10th, 2011
Family life center at Trinity Lutheran Church
@ 405 South Rush St., Roselle 60172
Theme: "
karena itu sempurnakanlah sukacitaku, dengan ini: hendaklah kamu sehati sepikir, dalam satu kasih, satu jiwa, satu tujuan" (Filipi 2:2)Speaker: Rev. Pintor Sitanggang
- Bagi anggota gereja/organisasi Kristen harap mendaftar ke gereja/organisasi nya masing-masing (CCBC, GBI, GPDI Golf, GPDI Living God, IFGF, PMKI, PWKI)
- Pendaftaran untuk umum dapat melalui:
Magdalena Locklin (224) 330-8297 atau - Everyone are welcome. Please invite your family and friends and celebrate Christmas together. God bless you !!!
- PS: Bagi teman-teman non-Kristiani, dipersilahkan datang 5:30 pm, karena akan ada Ibadah Natal sebelumnya
Labels: Indonesian Christian, Indonesian Christmas Chicago, Indonesian Community Chicago, Indonesian Consulate Chicago, kjri Chicago, Masyarakat Indonesia Chicago, Natal Bersama Chicago
CNN Hero: Robin Lim
Since 2003, ROBIN LIM and her team in Indonesia have helped thousands of low-income women have a healthy birthing experience.
ROBIN LIM from INDONESIA a remarkable individual have been selected as our Top 10 CNN Heroes.
Now, you can help choose the 2011 CNN Hero of the Year.
Help to vote here:
CNN Heroes 2011 Voting begins, September 22, 2011 (8 a.m. ET) and continues until Wednesday, December 7, 2011 (11:59pm PT)
The Winner will be announced at the Awards Ceremony.
If she wins this (online) election, Robin will receive $250,000, with which she would build a new clinic and continue her services. Perhaps even more importantly, the naming of a gentle-birth midwife as CNN's #1 Hero for 2011 would improve the popularity and status of natural birthing procedures around the world.
Ayo kita bantu vote Robin Lim.
Diperbolehkan Vote 10(sepuluh) kali setiap hari sampai tgl 7 DEC 2011!
Terima kasih atas bantuan anda.
Labels: Indonesian CNN Heroes, Indonesian Community Chicago, indonesian community USA, Masyarakat Indonesia Chicago, Masyarakat Indonesia USA