Indonesian Community in USA: July 2007

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

17 August Undangan Upacara & Silaturahmi

Yang terhormat
Masyarakat Indonesia
di Wilayah Midwest

Dalam rangka memperingati dan merayakan HUT ke-62 Kemerdekaan RI, KJRI Chicago mengundang seluruh Masyarakat Indonesia di Midwest untuk mengikuti Upacara Peringatan Detik-Detik Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI dan Silaturahmi Masyarakat Indonesia yang akan dilaksanakan pada:

Hari : Jumat, 17 Agustus 2007
Waktu : 10.00 pagi (tepat) s.d. selesai
Tempat : Wisma Kepala Perwakilan RI,614 Pine Lane, Winnetka, IL 60093
Telp. (847) 446-0268
Pakaian : Formal ( jas / batik / pakaian daerah / pakaian kerja )

Acara :
1. Upacara Peringatan Detik-Detik Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI
2. Pembagian Hadiah Pemenang Lomba HUT ke-62 RI
3. Silaturahmi Masyarakat Indonesia / Ramah Tamah
4. Pameran Foto & Pemutaran Klip Video Kegiatan KJRI & Masyarakat

Demikian, atas perhatian dan kehadiran Bapak/Ibu/Sdr/Sdri kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Chicago, Juli 2007
A.n. Ketua Panitia HUT ke-62 RI,
Yudho Sasongko
Koordinator Upacara Bendera/Silaturahmi Masyarakat

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

University of Chicago - Undergrad financial aid

The University of Chicago receives anonymous $100 million gift for undergraduate financial aid

May 30, 2007
The University of Chicago has announced that an anonymous donor and College alumnus has given a $100 million gift, the largest in University history, to be used in the launch of a $400 million undergraduate student aid fundraising initiative at Chicago.

“This gift ensures that the most talented students, no matter their economic circumstances, will have the opportunity to benefit from the uniquely powerful and rigorous Chicago education,” said University of Chicago President Robert J. Zimmer. “Providing access to the College for these students comports with our highest values, is central to our mission, and has the potential to greatly enrich the life opportunities for our students and their families for generations to come. We are deeply grateful for this extraordinary gift and the inspiration it provides for others to support students and the University.”

The $100 million gift, which is entirely expendable over 15 years, will establish Odyssey Scholarships, a program that will allow the University to reduce student loans among undergraduate students whose families demonstrate low or moderate income and high financial need. For those students whose annual family income is less than $60,000, the loans could be replaced entirely by grants, and for families whose income is between $60,000 and $75,000, the loans could be cut in half.

“I am giving this gift to the University of Chicago because I believe it had a profound effect on my life and in particular on allowing me to survive untold failures and persevere in mad adventures that have rewarded me with the financial resources to make this gift,” said the donor in a written statement. “I give this gift in the hopes that future generations of students will not be prevented from attending the College because of financial incapacity and may graduate without the siren of debt distracting them from fulfilling unremunerative dreams.”

Odyssey Scholarships will go into effect in the fall of 2008 and provide assistance to all qualified students in the College. Almost 1,200 undergraduates, including international students, are expected to benefit from the program at a time — almost 25 percent of the entire College enrollment.

As part of Odyssey Scholarships, about 50 students who could benefit from a summer enrichment program to prepare them for their College experience will be invited to campus during the summer before their first year to spend eight weeks working with faculty. Those students will also be relieved of work-study during their first year in the College in order to help them engage more fully in their academic experience.

The $100 million also includes a component designed to challenge the University to raise an additional $300 million and to create incentive for other donors to contribute to endowment to support the program beyond the first 15 years of funding.

“Although I fell far from the academic vine, my education in the College convinced me (in a way that no event or person has yet to undermine) that I was in fact, as Hanna H. Gray declared at my graduation, somehow a worthy citizen of an ancient and honorable community of scholars. The self-esteem that comes from a sense of citizenship in that tradition, however upon reflection marred it may be, has been the simple fixed point of the Archimedean comedy of my personal and professional successes,” the donor wrote in reflecting on the enduring influence of his Chicago education.

A central part of the College education is the Core curriculum, which Dean of the College John Boyer believes to be the heart of what makes the College experience so distinct.

Boyer said, “I am delighted that this gift comes to us on the 75th anniversary of the College’s Core curriculum, the general-education curriculum which has been central to creating and sustaining the University’s distinctive interdisciplinary character and which does so much to shape the intellectual skills and values and the subsequent professional careers of our undergraduate students. This gift will ensure that all talented and qualified students, regardless of family resources, will be able to participate in the University of Chicago’s great educational traditions,” Boyer said.

Last modified at 11:09 AM CST on Monday, July 23, 2007


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Perpanjangan waktu penyampaian film FFPAI 2007

Menyambung pemberitahuan sebelumnya, dengan ini kami sampaikan bahwa Batas akhir penyerahan film diperpanjang sampai 10 Agustus 2007. Peserta dapat mendaftarkan satu film atau lebih; tanpa ada biaya pendaftaran. Setiap film yang disertakan harus dilengkapi dengan Formulir Pendaftaran dan seluruh masalah hak cipta (baik lagu, teks, clip atau materi lainnya) terlebih dahulu diselesaikan oleh peserta dengan pihak-pihak yang terkait. Semua film yang disertakan dalam kompetisi akan menjadi hak milik KJRI Los Angeles.

Penjurian finalis tetap pada tanggal 17 Agustus. Sedangkan film pemenang pertama akan dipertontonkan pada Malam Gembira di Los Angeles pada 8 September 2007.

Demikian, terima kasih atas bantuannya.


Kepada YTH
Masyarakat Indonesia
di Amerika Serikat.

Terlampir kami sampaikan Pemberitahuan mengenai FESTIVAL FILM PENDEK AMATIR (FFPAI) 2007 dari Konsulat Jenderal Republik Indonesia (KJRI) Los Angeles.
Mari kita kembangkan bakat dan kreativitas yang terpendam !;>

Mohon perhatikan batas penyerahan film tanggal 21 JULY 2007 dilengkapi dengan
Formulir Pendaftaran Peserta yang bisa di cetak di lampiran e-mail ini. Bagi yang tidak mendapatkan lampiran dari e-mail, anda bisa mendapatkan formulir tersebut (klik) disini.

Terima kasih dan salam,
Lea M. Hartono

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Daftar KBRI - KJRI di USA

Perwakilan Indonesia di Amerika Serikat:

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Indonesian Consulate Official Holiday

Hari Libur Konsulat Jendral Republik Indonesia di USA
~ Tahun 2007 ~

  • January 01 - New Year
  • January 15 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday ( US)
  • January 20 - Moslem New Year (1 Muharam 1428 H)

  • February 18 - Chinese New Year Imlek 2558
  • February 19 - George Washington Birthday (US)

  • March 19 - Hindu New Year / Nyepi Saka 1929
  • March 31 - Moslem / Maulid Nabi Muhammad S.A.W

  • April 06 - Good Friday / Wafat Isa Al Masih)

  • May 17 - Ascension / Kenaikan Isa Almasih
  • May 28 - Memorial Day ( US )

  • June 01 - Budha Waisak / Hari Raya Waisak

  • July 04 - Independece Day ( US )

  • August 11 - Moslem Isra Mi'raj P. Muhammad S.A.W.)
  • August 17 - Independence of Indonesia

  • September 03 - Labor Day ( US )

  • October 8 - Columbus Day ( US )
  • October 12 to October 16, 2007 - Moslem celebration / Idul Fitri ( 1 & 2 Syawal 1428 H)

  • November 12 - Veterans Day
  • November 22 - Thaksgiving Day ( US )

  • December 20 - Moslem/ Idul Adha 1428 H
  • December 24 , 25 - Christmas / Hari Natal Closed

Terima kasih

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