Indonesian Community in USA: 18 NOV Business Plan Competition

Monday, October 24, 2011

18 NOV Business Plan Competition


2011 Business Plan Competition

Technical Details of the Competition

A. The first Business Plan Competition that connects Indonesian entrepreneurs in USA with Indonesian investors in Indonesia

B. Open for:
- Indonesian (individuals/group)
- Resides in USA
- 18 years old and above

C. 2 Categories:
- High tech
- Low tech

Startup or Early Growth

D. How to participate:
1. Register online
2. Submit a "concept paper"
3. If selected, submit a Business Plan & Fact Sheet

E. Selection process:
1. Evaluation of Concept Paper - by Mekar
2. Evaluation of BP & FS - by Mekar
3. Evaluation of BP, FS & Pitch - by Mekar

F. Evaluation criterias:
1. Innovativeness
2. Marketability
3. Profitability

G. Timeline:
1. Seleksi Tahap I:
a. Registrasi & penyerahan rancangan awal (concept plan) secara online, tenggat waktu: 18 November 2011
b. Pengumuman hasil Seleksi tahap I: 25 November 2011

2. Seleksi Tahap II:
a. Penyerahan rancangan final (business plan) beserta data pendukung.
b. Tenggat waktu: 25 November s.d. 16 Desember 2011
c. Pengumuman hasil seleksi tahap II (finalis): Januari 2012

2. Tahap Final:
a. Presentasi para finalis di hadapan investor akan dilakukan di Jakarta
b. Final, resepsi dan pengumuman pemenang: Januari 2012

Announcement to Indopreneur USA participants

Dear Participants,

Thank you so much for your interests and participation in the Indopreneur USA program.

We have received feedbacks and requests from prospective applicants as well as other stakeholders. After we have internal discussion between MEKAR Entrepreneur Network and the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Washington, D.C., we are very pleased to announce that we will extend the timelines to be as follow:

End Registration and Submission of Concept Paper (Online/US) November 18, 2011
Announcement of Concept Paper result (Online/US) November 25, 2011
Start Submission of Business Plan and Fact Sheet (Online/US) November 25, 2011
End Submission of Business Plan and Fact Sheet (Online/US) December 16, 2011
Finalist announcement (Online/US) January 9, 2012
Awarding Dinner (Jakarta) 26 January 2012

One more important announcement is that we have increased the length of concept paper so that you can write it by maximum 1,000 characters now. Therefore, participants who already submitted their concept papers are able to revise or update their concept papers and resubmit them within the new timeline.

We will also be posting information about the Business Plan format that need to be submitted in case your concept papers got shortlisted. Please check our website and follow our twitter for the information.

We trust the new timeline and process will help you explore innovative, marketable and profitable business ideas and will contribute for Indonesian Entrepreneurship growth.

With best wishes,

Organizing Committee
Indopreneur USA

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