Indonesian Community in USA: 04 OCT - 05 NOV DV Lottery 2013

Friday, September 16, 2011

04 OCT - 05 NOV DV Lottery 2013

DV 2013 Program - Diversity Visa Lottery
The online registration period for the 2013 Diversity Visa Program (DV-2013) will begin on Tuesday, October 4, 2011, at noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), and conclude on Saturday, November 5, 2011, at noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4).


Entries for the DV-2013 DV program must be submitted electronically between noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), Tuesday, October 4, 2011, and noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), Saturday, November 5, 2011.

We will update information on Green Card Lottery for anyone who wants to join the US Immigration Lottery / Program on this website. We have posted the links in the e-group / mailing list where you can get the information and instruction to join the Lottery.

Please introduce your self with your NAME, ADDRESS, at least your CITY & ZIP or POST Code when applying to join our maling list / e-group.
Annonymous Applicant will not be approved as our member in this e-group.
Thank you for your joining and Good luck to your application!

Click here to join GreenCardLottery E-Group
Click to join GreenCardLottery E-Group

Informasi di website & e-group ini untuk mempermudah pengiriman berita ke masyarakat Indonesia yang ingin mendapatkan Undian Izin tinggal (KTP) Amerika Serikat melalui Program lotere dari Kantor Imigrasi Amerika.

Undian Greencard (KTP) lotere bisa diikuti secara GRATIS bila anda mengikuti petunjuk dari instansi pemerintah yang mengeluarkan lottery tersebut. Informasi selengkapnya ada di e-group.

Bila ada pertanyaan, silahkan mengirim e-mail setelah anda baca semua peraturan yg tertulis di website ini.

Untuk bergabung dengan e-group kami, silahkan klik di kotak bertulisan "Join this Group"
dan ikuti petunjuk di website. Mohon perkenalkan diri anda dengan NAMA, ALAMAT, sekurang kurangnya KOTA dan kode pos.
Permohonan anggota tanpa nama dan alamat tidak akan diterima.

Semoga kali ini anda berhasil mendapatkan US Immigration Lottery!

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