Indonesian Community in USA: 12 SEP Potluck Indonesia, Lansing, MI

Saturday, September 05, 2015

12 SEP Potluck Indonesia, Lansing, MI

Potluck Indonesia, Lansing Michigan

Calling all Indo-Michigan-ners!!
Don't forget our monthly potluck on September 12, 12 pm, at Lake Lansing Haslett (south).
We'll have our last outdoor potluck before fluffy jacket become fashion trendy clothes

Teman2 di Lansing dan Michigan, jangan lupa datang ke Potluck tgl 12 September ya.
We're gonna have our last outdoor potluck and bbq-ing before Michigan covered by cold and snow again.
So make sure to set up your calender for the date. We'll see you there.
Ps: Klo ada yg mau bawa bahan mentah untuk bbq monggo yo. Tqu

Lake Lansing South
1621 Pike St, Haslett, Michigan 48840

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