Permias Los Angeles
Sports Event Invitation
09 May 2008
Dear fellow Permias and Friends,
17th of August is always the time to celebrate and reflect on who we are, where we came from, especially being in a foreign land. For those of you who have grown up in the United States, it is a chance for you to interact with other Indonesians from other communities that you may have not expected to exist. It is the time to gather together and let our voice be heard as proud Indonesian native or Indonesian-American to make a change in our community as a student and community member in the US.
Every year KJRI and all the Indonesian community in Los Angeles gather together for an annual celebration to commemorate Indonesia’s Independence Day. Part of this celebration consist of a historic sports event, which dates back to the early 80s, that serves as a purpose of uniting Indonesians in a competitive yet friendly way, and Permias LA is given the honor to host it this year.
We kindly extend our invitation to you, and all the Permias out there to participate in our celebration as one united family. The sports event will be held on July 26-27 2008 (tentative) and will consist of the following sports:
The Venue has yet to be confirmed but we would like for all the Permias committee to start searching/ advertising about this event from now. Please kindly forward this invitation to any interested party and together we can make this event a successful one.
For further details and confirmation please contact:
Isa Torry
Batara Indra "obat" Soepraba
Thank you for your time, and we’ll keep you guys posted!
Isa Torry
Batara Indra Soepraba
17th August 2008 Sport Committee
Labels: Indonesia-Los Angeles, Indonesian Student, PERMIAS LA