Indonesian Community in USA: November 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

31 DEC New Year's Eve @ Wisma

Kepada Yth.
Bapak/Ibu dan keluarga
Masyarakat Indonesia
di Chicago dan Midwest-AS

Terlampir undangan Temu Masyarakat Akhir Tahun 2011 di Wisma Konjen di Winnetka dengan harapan dapat dihadiri bersama-sama

Tanggal 31 Desember 2011 mulai jam 08.00 PM and onwards
@ Wisma KJRI Chicago, 614 Pine Lane, Winnetka, IL

* New Year's Eve Dinner
* KJRI Chicago Band
* PERMIAS Chicago Band
* Prized Game
* Countdowns to 2012
* Midnight Delights
and many more ...

Sampai bertemu!

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10 DEC Indonesian Christmas Celebration

The Indonesian Christian Community
in cooperation with the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Chicago
cordially invite brothers and sisters to a
Christmas Celebration
4PM - 8:30PM on Saturday, December 10th, 2011
Family life center at Trinity Lutheran Church
@ 405 South Rush St., Roselle 60172

Theme: "karena itu sempurnakanlah sukacitaku, dengan ini: hendaklah kamu sehati sepikir, dalam satu kasih, satu jiwa, satu tujuan" (Filipi 2:2)

Speaker: Rev. Pintor Sitanggang

  • Bagi anggota gereja/organisasi Kristen harap mendaftar ke gereja/organisasi nya masing-masing (CCBC, GBI, GPDI Golf, GPDI Living God, IFGF, PMKI, PWKI)
  • Pendaftaran untuk umum dapat melalui:
    Magdalena Locklin (224) 330-8297 atau
  • Everyone are welcome. Please invite your family and friends and celebrate Christmas together. God bless you !!!
  • PS: Bagi teman-teman non-Kristiani, dipersilahkan datang 5:30 pm, karena akan ada Ibadah Natal sebelumnya

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22SEP-07DEC Vote Robin Lim for CNN Heroes

CNN Hero: Robin Lim
Since 2003, ROBIN LIM and her team in Indonesia have helped thousands of low-income women have a healthy birthing experience.

ROBIN LIM from INDONESIA a remarkable individual have been selected as our Top 10 CNN Heroes.
Now, you can help choose the 2011 CNN Hero of the Year.
Help to vote here:

CNN Heroes 2011 Voting begins, September 22, 2011 (8 a.m. ET) and continues until Wednesday, December 7, 2011 (11:59pm PT)

The Winner will be announced at the Awards Ceremony.

If she wins this (online) election, Robin will receive $250,000, with which she would build a new clinic and continue her services. Perhaps even more importantly, the naming of a gentle-birth midwife as CNN's #1 Hero for 2011 would improve the popularity and status of natural birthing procedures around the world.

Ayo kita bantu vote Robin Lim.
Diperbolehkan Vote 10(sepuluh) kali setiap hari
sampai tgl 7 DEC 2011!
Terima kasih atas bantuan anda.

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